Broadcasting from my own front room: I can't wait to read aloud via Skype to schools partcipating in #WorldReadAloudDay. So far I've had requests from California. Georgia and Nigeria! I don't think I could be more excited! My dad always read to me as a child, doing all the voices. He was brilliant. And my teacher Mrs Wilson, in elementary school, always read to her class for the last fifteen minutes of the school day, as did my Latin teacher Mr Preddy in secondary school. Those minutes were the best of the whole day: Children on the Oregon Trail, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe, The Silver Sword, The Odyssey, The Illiad and Winnie Ille Pooh (It was a Latin class!) Being read to creates readers, and thinkers and more compassionate people, I'm sure of it. And you are never too old to be read to.
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Earlier Event: January 26
The Cove School: School Visit
Later Event: February 4
California School Librarians Association Conference, 2018