Thanks to Louise McGeown and all the organizers and volunteers of the 125 kid Breakfast Book Club in Pleasanton for inviting me to talk. Yet again I forgot to take photos of the event in progress, but this was taken just at the end when all the kids were given a copy of my book.
I was so impressed by the Book Club. Thanks to tens of parent/grandparent and teacher volunteers, kids from 1st to 5th grade meet in groups of 5 with one adult, before school. They read books together, share book recommendations and listen to visiting authors. What a fantastic way to encourage a love of reading. Of course, doughnuts also play a part in sweetening the deal.
I then spoke to all Walnut Grove’s 4th and 5th graders. All the students are authors and veterans of class publishing parties. It was a pleasure to share writing tips with fellow authors and answer their excellent questions.